Sunday, July 31, 2005

Summer Vacation

So, Summer Vacation. That is something I no longer have. This is actually my first summer that I haven't had one. I graduated in May 04, and that whole summer I was working on finding a job. I now have that job, and it just seems weird not to have the summer off. I mean, I have to actually get up EARLY (5:15) to be out the door at 5:45 to be at work by 6:30 in the morning. I go in early, as the traffic is bad driving home to Santa Cruz, so I start early and I get off early (3pm) or I can stay late and earn credit hours to use at a later time, and be able to take off when I want. It is pretty nice. So, I guess that is okay, I guess I shouldn't complain.

So, I gotta ask, what are you doing for your summer vacation? Anything exciting? I want to live through you, so please, post what you did for fun, I'd love to know.

Well, I better get ready to go to work tomorrow. Ahh Monday morning! I have TONS of files on my desk, waiting for me to copy and then send back to my offices, so the farmers can get to work! Are you jealous yet? I didn't think so!

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