Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Returning a call

Okay, I guess I have finally figured out what my biggest pet peeve is. Actually, I think I have always known, I have just somehow forgotten, because it hasn't happened in a really long time. I can't stand it when you are on the phone, and someone says "I'll call you right back" and then they don't! Why bother saying it if you aren't going to do it? Seriously?! How much more effort would it take for you to just say "I'll call you back later" It wouldn't, and "later" can be anytime between 5 minutes to a whole day or two!

Okay, so what got me on this kick? Well, I was at work yesterday, and found out there was a chance that I was going to be going to our Modesto office to help out some. Well, they kept changing their minds, and finally they said they needed to go and talk to the lady I would be working with, to see if in fact, she really did need my help. They said they would call right back! Welp, you guessed it, they didn't. So, I went home and had to pack just in case, because I am now sitting here, it is the next day, and I still don't know if I am supposed to be going or not?! And, if you are asking, well, why don't you just call and ask, well, that's the problem, I get into work so early, that most people aren't in yet, they don't come in till about 8am or later, so I can't call them. Plus, why should I have to call them? They said they would call me back!

Alrighty, enough venting. I better go. I need to now find out if I'm still helping to plan a alumni reunion!

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