Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Hey there! I have a friend who is in need of prayers for guidence. She is currently the VBS director at her church, and she is really struggling. She has little help this year from members of her church and she is really starting to feel a little burned out. She has many things going on in her life next year, like reunions and stuff. She told her minister that she would not be able to do it next year, and he totally understood. Well, now that it is underway, she is starting to second guess herself. She isn't sure what the Lord is calling her to do, and she thinks she spoke too soon when she said she wouldn't do it again. She needs prayers, so I offer this one up;

Dear Lord,

I come to you to ask for help with a struggling friend. She is doing Your work, and helping to bring Your children closer to You. She needs help though. She feels as though she can not go on, as she gets little help from those she calls brothers and sisters in Christ. She does not know if she will have the strength to push through and direct the VBS at her church again next summer. She knows that she loves this job, but she isn't sure of herself, and if she will truely have the time and energy to do it again for another year. Please Lord, speak to her, tell her what path to take, she will listen. If you want her to do it again she will, if you feel that it is time for someone else to lead, she will take a step back and help in anyway she can, but please Lord, tell her as she is struggling with what to do.

In YOUR name, Amen.

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