Sunday, July 17, 2005

How do I?

So, here is the situation. There is a gentleman I know who married a girl who was 7 months younger than me. They had a 34 year age difference. This girl basically came between this man and his wife, of over 25 years, and they split up. They didn't get a divorce, because she got really sick, and he stayed married to her, so she could keep her medical benefits, while she was battling cancer. Their divorce was actually final, and posted in the newspaper, under her obit! Tacky? I think so. But anyways, that was a few years back. He has since married this girl, and they had a baby last summer. Well, their son, I think it is, just died. He was only a year old. He got really sick, and died within a matter of days. No one really has any details about how and why, but there will be a graveside service on tuesday. I of course can not go, because it is such a long drive, and I don't have time that I can take off from work, plus I'm not sure how comfortable I would feel in attending, here is where the dilema comes in. I think what they did was awful (spliting up a marriage) and it just makes me sick to think, she married a guy who is like the same age as her father, actually, this guy is older than her father, and I just have a hard time being supportive (we belonged to the same organization together for a very long time) So, how do I feel sorry for them, or do I have to? I mean, I would not wish a death of a child, at any age, on anyone, but I just can't feel sorry for them, and I think that I should?! I mean, I don't agree with what they have done, so should I just not feel anything? I just don't know what to do?! I'm thinking that there is a good chance I might see them in September when I go out there. If I do, do I avoid them? Do I tell them I'm sorry for there loss? What do I do? I have a "so-called friend" who called me right away when she finally heard about what happened (she likes to gossip) and when I told her I already knew, she was upset that I didn't call her, and I told her I just didn't think about, plus, I just didn't feel it was my business to pass it around, because it might seem as though I was glad this happened to them, and I wasn't. I had no feelings. She then continued to say how she thinks it was an "omen" which I find hard to believe. I try to live by, and it is hard at times, but to just realize, I'm not judge and jury, only the big man upstairs is. So, if what they have done is wrong, well then, HE will deal with them in HIS way, and it is not for me to worry about. So, this just brings me back to, is it okay not to be upset? To really not feel anything? Not that I'm happy that it happened, but I'm not sad either, I'm just like, okay, it happened, now on with my life. Am I wrong?

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