Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bad Day

So, I have had a really crappy day today. I'm really depressed (again, go figure) and asked someone to name a positive thing about me, about being friends with me, and I sent the email to them at 7am, at 1pm I called them on the phone because I still hadn't heard anything, and was told that they needed to think about it. WOW! That hurt! So, I left work early because I was so hurt, and cried on the way home. I've also realized that I sent a letter, like 2 or 3 pages long, about me to an alumni of my sorority that I have never met, but decided to introduce myself to her, and she hasn't replied to me (I sent it on like the 7th of July) and that kind of hurt as well.

So life is just not going good for me, and in case you were wondering, yes, I did think about committing suicide as I have many times before. Sad isn't it? Well, my day is crappy, how's yours?

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I am sorry that you did not get a reply. You can always call me and tell me things about you. I would love to get to know you better. You're in my prayers!