Monday, February 07, 2005

Great Weekend!

I gotta tell ya, I just had a GREAT weekend! Wanna know why? Because I didn't have to go ANYWHERE! Nope, didn't have to go back to Fresno for any reason! I also didn't have to travel anywhere else either! And, of course to top it off, no one came out to visit me! It was WONDERFUL! I had such a good time just being by myself! I planted some flowers in the little bit of dirt we have in front of the cabin. I went for a walk around part of our park, which, I drove later with my car, and saw that my walk was actually roughly 2.2 miles! I was so proud of myself! I can't wait for my bike to get here so I can start doing that every night! As of right now, I can't do that walk when I get home, as it will start getting dark when I am in the middle of it, and there are no street lights in part of the park, so I rather do it when there is plenty of light out, I'm sure you can understand, plus, we have been known to get homeless people walking into our park, and I don't care if the person is homeless or not, anyone would be scaring me in the dark if I was walking alone!

Well I just found out, that for my new position being turned to term, I have to apply for it! I have only 10 days to do this! I was a little upset, but I guess, they have to follow formality, so this week, and part of this weekend, I will be making sure I get it all done so I can send it off by Monday, as it is due on Thursday, February 17! Yikes, that is only 10 days, not much time, but at least I kept my old answers to these long questions they asked before, and I was told I could use the same answers again. I will tweek them a bit, but not by much.

Now, here is the bad news! This coming weekend will not be pleasent. I don't know how in the world I am going to survive. Please pray for me that there will be sunshine, as I think I will lose my mind if it rains. Okay, so what could be so bad you ask, well, not only are my parents coming out, but so is my sister, her husband, and their four year old daughter. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I'm going to go NUTS! I'm already starting to panic, and it's only Monday! I have no idea how we are all going to fit and actually live together. The biggest obsticle I guess is that Dave, my sisters husband, is like my dad. They both really don't talk that much. Probably because they are both married to women who do a lot of talking. So, I wonder what it is going to be like in our place this weekend. It will be interesting to say the least.

I'm hoping to get some pictures posted up here sometime soon. I will be posting pictures of what the cabin looks like on the outside, the inside, and some pictures of what the park looks like. I'll probably take a bunch of pictures this weekend, as I will have to get out of the cabin if I want to remain sane, granted, I already know that I am insane, but, I do not want to become even more than I already am, so please, pray for me.

Nothing else really new to report. Oh, I had thought about going up the line again in Eastern Star, this time at Santa Cruz Chapter. However, I have done some thinking. I want to have a life, and I have made OES my life for so long. I am still young (my bday is in less than a month) and I want to have a life that is not centered on what OES event I need to attend. I'm actually thinking about going back to school, a community college here, and taking some Spanish classes. I took it in High School for a few years, and really don't remember a whole lot. I figured it would be nice if I brushed up on it, as I will possibly be going out into the fields with some of the guys here and a lot of the farmers, or at least the workers speak little or no English. And few people in our office speak it, so why not brush up on it. It would also help my resume as well if I decided to trasfer to another job someday.

It's time to get back to work. If you want to check out a few other interesting blogspots, go see my friends, Katie and Carrie. Katie is finishing her senior year at FSU, and was/is my big sis in Alpha Delta Chi, Theta Chapter. Her spot is Carrie, was president when I rushed/pledged ADX, and we became good friends. She and I graduated from FSU in 2004 together. She is now over in Germany on a mission, serving the Lord and teaching others about HIS wonderous work. Her spot is I'm sure you will enjoy both spots!

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