Friday, January 28, 2005


Okay, so nothing really new is going on here in my life. I still haven't gone back to church, but a really cool thing has happened and that is, my sister and her family are starting to go! Yeah God! I'm so thrilled! She never really wanted to go, and my mom used to force her to go once a month. Well, now she is going to a non-denominational christian church and she is taking her daughter, and when her husband doesn't have to work overtime on the weekend he goes too! He is a police officer, and you know how crazy his schedule can be! Well, I'm starting to think, I want to look into going to a church like that. I have always been the kind of person who loves the singing and music aspect of church.....don't sit there and preach to me and tell me I'm going to hell if I don't do XY or Z! I want to go, and feel the excitement of those around me, and enjoy being in the house of the Lord, and it just seems that now a days, that is really hard to find! I love churches that have the whole live band thing, and tell you to come as you are, you don't need to dress up for the Lord and everything. I mean, think about it, in all honest, that is how the Lord wants you to come! He doesn't want you to put on this cover/act just for him, act as though it is just another day, I mean, he does see you every day, so it isn't like he thinks you dress and act this way all the time, so come as you are! Ahhhhh, so refreshing to just think about! So, I guess I will have to look into finding a church sometime. The only problem, is that I feel bad if I go and start a church and then know I will be leaving the next weekend and who knows when I will be able to go back! So, I think I might wait a bit for when I know I will be home a few weekends in a row and will be able to go!

So, some would wonder how work is going. Well, GREAT NEWS! My boss told me yesterday, well actually what happened is that he said next to my desk, to our secretary Pat, he said "Pat, I need you to send in the paperwork to change the Farm Bill Program Assistants from Temporary to Term Positions!" Well, what this means, is that I can have them rehire me this coming November when my year is up for another year, and actually they can do this so that I can work for them up to a total of 4 years. The best part about this is that I will now be entitled to benefits! WooHoo! No more paying an outragous price for my health benefits! I'm sooooo psyched! It is sooooo awesome! I will be getting health, dental, vision, retirement and I believe life insurance which is sooo cool! Can you tell I'm excited?!

Okay, better get back to work, it is almost lunch time and I need to go and get lunch! Oh, also, I will be getting a new cell phone hopefully today with a new number! I'll be emailing everyone who's number I have with it, so be on the look out for it! Later gator.........

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