Monday, February 28, 2005

True Friends

So, today I was thinking as I was driving to work (at 5am) about my upcoming birthday party. I had started to get really upset, as I sent out an email to my friends in the Fresno area about going out to dinner and then going to the movies afterwards. Well, I got back one reply, telling me that this person couldn't come. So, because I haven't heard from anyone else, I'm thinking about not bothering to even really celebrate my birthday. It is really sad to think, that I have gone and celebrated with friends for their bday, and now that mine comes around they can't be bothered. Now, some might think, well, what if they just happen to show up and they just didn't tell you they were coming? Well see, thats the thing, I never told them exactly where I wanted to go just yet, I just wanted to see who wanted to come, and obviously the answer is no one. So, it has made me do some real thinking about who my true friends are. I can think of 5 people who I know, if they lived closer to me, would drop anything and everything to go and hang out with me on my birthday. These same people have seen me through a lot of troubling times in my life, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. I know I will receive calls from them on my birthday, telling me they wish they could be with me today, and hope I have a great day doing whatever it is I plan on doing. I guess with each year we do always grow. We grow a little wiser, we grow a little older, and we grow a little farther apart. I know that these 5 women will always be close to me, and I will never have to doubt their devotion to our friendship.

How many true friends do you have?

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