Wednesday, February 23, 2005


So, I'm kinda stumped today as to what to put up here. I have a few forwards that I have yet to post because they are pictures, and seeing how I do this usually from work when I am on a break, I can't post them, because it requires me to down load some stuff, and I'm not going to do that on my work computer, that is just a big NO NO!! So, again I say......hmmmmm. Maybe I should direct you to the website that tells you a little bit about the park I live in? No, I don't think you really want to know about that. Maybe I should talk about how my job is going? No, I really don't think you are THAT bored right now! Hmmmmmm. Okay, I am like a tree that has been cut down.....stummped! LOL, that was good! Reminds me of ones that some of my sorority sisters have come up with, like I'm out like a baby in 9 months! Hmmmm. Well, I can't think of anything, so here are two sites to visit, one is a dinning out quiz, see if you would make it or be a totally embarassment.....

And then, here is a link to the park that I live in. I have taken some pictures for them to post on the site, but the person who is in charge of the site hasn't gotten a chance to load them yet, but you can still enjoy it without my wonderful photos......

Well, that is all for now, if I can think of anything else, I'll let you know! Oh, I do know that if you go and google Lemoore Union High School and Freak Dancing you will find out about how my old assistant principal (now the prin.) banded school dancing because students were dancing too close! Wierd how my small town would get that recognition! They were even on MTV! I must agree with him when he was quoted in the paper for saying how parents are getting upset because school dances are cancelled, yet they don't give a damn about their kids bringing home bad grades! Makes you think about priorities here doesn't it?! Welp, that's all for now......J

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