Friday, December 10, 2004


Okay, so, I haven't posted anything for awhile. Well here's the scoop. I finished moving out on November 28th. That was the Sunday before I started my new job in Salinas. I got into Santa Cruz around 10:30pm and basically crashed. My first day of work was interesting. I basically learned the program I was going to be using that day, along with a bunch of other stuff. Now, here it is, I have basically completed two weeks of work, and I have barely ever done my job. This last Wednesday, I did go to the Hollister office and help them out. Fixed all there problems except 3. Two of them had the same problem, which we can not fix, the other the company that we are working with has to fix. So, all in all, I did a really awesome job. I actually found out yesterday, that the guy I went to the Hollister Office with, told my boss, that if he could describe my work it would be "really good!" So, that was nice to hear!

So, now all I am doing is just hanging out here in the office. I really can't do anything because I still don't have my own computer. It is getting programed, get this, in FRESNO! Hopefully they will be done with it soon, and I can get it maybe on Monday?! But, I won't hold my breath!

Well, I hope all of you are doing well, and have had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and will be having a Very Happy Holidays this season!


Carrie said...

Yeah Julie. Way to save the day!! Hope you are enjoying it there. :)

Ryan & Julie said...

Thanks Carrie! I am enjoying my time.....I love the weather too! Not all foggy and overcast like Fresno always is! Hope things are going well with you in Germany!