Saturday, November 20, 2004

It's OVER!

Okay, so, my installation has come and gone! It was a fun evening, and I was so happy that a few of my sorority sisters were there to share the evening with me. It meant a lot to me to have you there girls! Thank you! I also had a very good friend from school, Cindy, there as well. I have talked to her all about Eastern Star, and it was great to have her there and for her to start making connections to what I have told her about the order. Thank you Cindy for coming!

I must say, I am really relaxed right now for someone who should be stressing out about getting packed now. But I think I have a plan. My parents picked up a few pieces of furnature today after Clovis' installation. Tonight, I'm going to run and pick up some dinner, and then I am going to start doing TONS of loads of laundry. I want to have it all done and get it all packed. There are tons of things in my closet that I don't need right now that I will be packing up to take over to the coast. I can't wait to live over there! I will miss my friends in the valley, but I will not miss this wierd weather, and I will really not miss the heat in the summer! Ahhhh, to finally have a cool summer again! That will be GREAT!

Well, I must be off to get that laundry done..........J


Katie Patrick said...

Hey, I just want to say thank you for inviting me to come. It was good to see you doing something that you love doing. I am totally excited about your new venture and what God has planned for your life. Good luck in Santa Cruz and Salinas. I am excited to hear how things go for you.

Ryan & Julie said...

Thanks Katie! It was really awesome having some of my sisters there! I'm so glad you got to see what this organization means to me and to Cameron as well. I hope you are having a good break before finals! Good Luck! AHHHHH, no more finals, PRICELESS!