Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Okay, so I just finished training in learning how to use the program ACCESS. It really was quite boring, as the teachers practically HELD YOUR HAND as they walk you through the program. I do not learn that way, and it was really quite annoying. Teach me how to do something, then tell me to do it on my own, and if I get stuck, tell me that I can call you over and have you help me out with it! Some people learn better if you hold their hand, I don't. I like to think that I'm not in a classroom setting, instead, I'm back at the office, and I just screwed up the program, now how am I going to fix it? To me, this just works better, because, what are you going to do when you get back to the office, and the program doesn't work? You can't really call them up and ask them to walk you through it!

So, enough about that boring training. Which by the way, there was one woman in both of my classes, who, on the first day, of both of these sessions, stared at me, and looked me up and down! And I was like, "Yeah, can I help you?" Of course, I didn't say anything, but I was really wonder, why in the world this lady was looking at me?! Whatever, over and done with, and I don't have to see her again. She is also the one in the class, who just couldn't understand what the difference was between "and" & "or" was! Oh, and then yesterday, she couldn't get the concept of "orphaned" until the teacher said, well just think of it this way, "orphans have no parents" and like, all of a sudden, this light bulb went off in her head, and she was like, "yeah, that is an easy way to remember it" WHAT IN THE WORLD DID SHE THINK AN ORPHAN WAS BEFORE?????!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! (A little over dramatic? I don't think so! You would be just as frustrated, because it was really, some dumb questions, and I would think, that these people, coming into these classes, would have a general knowledge of computers, and she proved otherwise! Plus, she has been working with this program, and I NEVER have, and I still wasn't asking questions!) Okay, enough complaining!

Anyways. So, the good part of my week happened on Monday. For those of you who shop there, Lane Bryant has you redeming your RealWomen Dollars. Welp, I have 200 dollars worth (yeah, I gotta stay out of there!) well I still have one final card left, I spent all seven I had in my purse! I'll end up using it this coming weekend when I go out to Fresno. I don't know what I am going to end up getting yet. I bought 2 pairs of capri's, 4 cami's and a couple of other tops. They are all so cute! Oh, and I got two strapless bra's. So, I'm set for summer, so far. I'm sure I will end up needing to buy some more capri's, however, I just can't see myself buying a
PINK pair, even though I know Carrie would probably say, you can never have enough of that color! =)

So, my life has been pretty full so far this week. Oh, and let's talk about what has happened so far today? Well, when I woke up around 3:45 (I didn't get up, just woke up) I noticed it was really dark in my room, darker than usual, but I didn't think much about it and went back to sleep. Well, around 5am, I got up to go to the bathroom, and this time I realized why it was so dark (before I got out of bed) my nightlights that my dad has put all around the house were not lit! MY POWER WAS ALL OUT!!! Yep, I got to Pee in the DARK! Then, went back to bed for 30 more minutes, got up, turned on the lantern, got dressed (luckily I took a shower last night) and turned on the fireplace (it is propane, really nice that it will still keep me warm when the power goes out) and finished getting ready. Oh, and I'm wearing contacts now, so luckily my bathroom is REALLY SMALL, so putting the latern in there, really made the room bright and was able to put them in, and then basically walked out the door. Hopefully it will be back on by the time I get home tonight. It probably will. If I would of called at 4am, then maybe it would of been turned on before I left?! Oh well, I had figured someone probably already noticed and had called, but maybe not. Oh well, too late now.

Okay, so that is what is up with me right now. I'll post more later.

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