Monday, March 07, 2005

My Birthday

So, my birthday was on Saturday. I turned 26. I would say, I am officially old. Well, not really, but, whatever.

So, Friday night, I went out to dinner with my friends Cindy, Darla and Jenn. We had a good time, and then headed out and saw Man of the House. It was pretty funny. Not sure I would buy it when it comes out, but it was good.

Saturday, I went out to lunch with Chad, and then did a little shopping. He bought me Bambi! I was really happy, and I can't wait to watch it, however, don't know when I might have the time to do it. We also went LapTop shopping. I just wanted to check out prices and see what was available and all that. Wasn't planning on making a purchase right that second, as I had the money, but I also had bills to pay.

Well, then I headed on down to Lemoore, and had dinner and presents and stuff with my parents. I got a few clothes, a smoothie machine (which is the awesome one that I have used before and love, but wasn't was cool!), but of course my favorite present was what my dad got me, I GOT MY FIRST ELECTRIC DRILL!!! Yeah, okay, so most girls aren't going to be asking for a Drill, but I do. I like doing that kinds of construction work stuff with my dad. And, because we have been doing work on the cabin, it really starts hurting my hand to do it with a manual screw driver. So I'm sooooo excited! I can't wait to use it, and I am getting off work early today, so I might get to use it tonight for a little bit.....will just have to wait and see.

The other thing that was cool about this weekend, is that I got some money for my birthday as well, and it helped put me over the top to get my laptop. So, on Sunday, I went with Chad and we picked up my other new toy! I'm sooooo excited about that as well. I can't play with it yet, as Chad said, I probably need to charge the battery for 24 hours.......not sure, but I have charged it overnight, and this morning the light wasn't blinking anymore, so I think I might be okay to use it, but I will double check the books and all that before I do. Don't want the battery to die prematurely! I'm sooo happy though! I will finally be able to take my computer anywhere. Oh, and it has wireless internet built in, so I don't have to worry about buying that piece, I did have to buy a router though, and that was only 10 bucks! And, I purchased this rewards program with the store for 10 bucks, and for every 150 dollars you spend, you get a 5 dollar gift certificate, so with my purchase, I will be receiving around 60-65 bucks in gift certificates! So, I just totally MADE money on this purchase! So, I'm excited about that as well, as this means, I will have free money coming to me to go shopping some more......not sure what I will go and get, but I'll worry about that later!

Oh, and I bought the extra insurance for the computer, which covers like EVERYTHING, and every year, you get a new free battery for the computer, so, right there makes it worth it, just to get the free battery! I will also be renewing this once it is up in 3 years. They said, that if they can't fix the problem, or if the same problem happens 3 times, then on the 4th time, they will give me the purchase price I paid credited towards a new computer! Which, I think is awesome as well! AHHHH, I love my new toys!

Okay, I think I better actually do some work now......later.......J

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