Saturday, November 20, 2004

It's OVER!

Okay, so, my installation has come and gone! It was a fun evening, and I was so happy that a few of my sorority sisters were there to share the evening with me. It meant a lot to me to have you there girls! Thank you! I also had a very good friend from school, Cindy, there as well. I have talked to her all about Eastern Star, and it was great to have her there and for her to start making connections to what I have told her about the order. Thank you Cindy for coming!

I must say, I am really relaxed right now for someone who should be stressing out about getting packed now. But I think I have a plan. My parents picked up a few pieces of furnature today after Clovis' installation. Tonight, I'm going to run and pick up some dinner, and then I am going to start doing TONS of loads of laundry. I want to have it all done and get it all packed. There are tons of things in my closet that I don't need right now that I will be packing up to take over to the coast. I can't wait to live over there! I will miss my friends in the valley, but I will not miss this wierd weather, and I will really not miss the heat in the summer! Ahhhh, to finally have a cool summer again! That will be GREAT!

Well, I must be off to get that laundry done..........J

Friday, November 19, 2004

Today is the day!

So, today is my installation and I'm TOTALLY STRESSING OUT ABOUT IT! I feel I am going to be on the run all day long, and I am. I don't know what I am going to do to get a calming effect to come over me! I think I might have to take one of my calming pictures with me to remind me to relax. I'm also stressed because I can't find the jewelry that I bought to wear for tonight. Okay, I better go and look for it again, and get in the shower and start my AHHHHHH DAY!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Day before Installation

Okay, so it is the day before my installation! I'm totally stressing out because there seems to be sooooo much that I need to get done. I picked up 200 potatoes and 10 pounds of chopped green onions today! Yes, you saw that correctly. I'm expecting around 150-200 people at my installation tomorrow evening. I'm hoping that it won't be foggy, as we really don't need that problem as well. We had practice last night, and folded all the programs. The funny thing about that, is normally for an installation, you have 3-5 people listed for installing team, maybe a few more, but not that many more. I have 18 people I believe it was. Yep, 18! That is a lot! Well, that's what happens when you have the WGM from your chapter. I have quite a few of the Grand Officers for this year as apart of my installing team. It is going to be a really nice night. I know that I can't wait for it to be over with, but I will savor every moment of it! I can't wait for some of my friends to see a little bit better what it is that I am involved with. Hopefully, they will learn something from this experience, if not, well, I'm happy they came. Okay, off to get more things done!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Last Day

Okay, today at 2pm Pacific Standard Time, I clocked out of Michael's in Hanford for the last time! It was actually really cool, and sad at the same time! For the most part I have enjoyed working there. I met a lot of really cool people, and I will be back often to give them all a hard time! I'm sure the store will do really well, there is nothing else to do in Hanford anyways, and even less to do in Lemoore. That area is going to be so overrun by people doing crafts it will be CRAZY I tell you! Hey, maybe our pregnancy rate will go down?! Ahhh, fat chance, but one can wish?! Okay, well I must get going. I have to get ready for an installation tonight that is in Madera! We have 2 down and 11 more to go. This weekend we have 3 going on! It is going to be crazy, but it will be even worse next friday, as that is my installation and then we end up having 3 more after it! I can't wait for mine to be over with, well, I'm off......later........J

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So, my last day of work is coming up! Today is Wednesday, and Friday I work from 10-2pm. Ahh, the countdown begins. The countdown also begins for my installation and the first day of my new job! AAHHHHHH! Trying to get packed, and get all the last minute stuff done for my installation is VERY frustrating! I'm sure everything will get done that has to be done. I can't wait for everything to be over with so I can relax again for a bit. Then, once I get comfortable, I get to start driving back to the Central Valley 2 times a month or more! How crazy is that?! Well, everything works out the way they are supposed to! So, now I have to ask myself, why am I sitting here on the computer and not working on getting myself packed?! Okay, back to it!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


So, my last day at Michaels will be coming up soon. I have turned in my notice of my last day, and because I will be leaving, they have cut my hours like crazy! It is going to suck leaving, it is a pretty cool job, and I like most of the people that I work with and I love the discount, but oh well. What are you going to do?

This week I have been going nuts with my discount. Did I tell you, we get 50% off all regularly priced and clearance stuff! It is crazy! There is so much stuff I want!

Well, today I get to do a demo. Not sure how well it will turn out, but I guess we will just wait and see. It is going to be interesting. I'm making a candle ring. Hope it doesn't turn out too bad!

Okay, off to work I go, I'll post more later when I have time.