Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Posts from myspace.....a few things going on!

Something's going down!

Okay, so, for the past few nights (except this last weekend, because I wasn't here to know if it happened) I have had a mouse, or possibly a rat, or possibly more than one of these things climbing into my dryer vent from the outside of my house. ISN"T THAT SWEET?! So, I have been TOTALLY losing sleep because of this, because it just happens that the damn vent is right outside my bedroom window, which also happens to be where my bed is! ERRRRRRR!!!! So, I hear this damn annoying noise at night. Wakes me up around 12:30 in the morning. I'm sooooo annoyed if you couldn't already tell?! So, I decided that I was going to go and get some fencing and rat/mouse poison.
Welp, before I left work yesterday, I mentioned this whole "issue" to one of my coworkers. He told me that there might be too much lint trapped in the vent keeping a flap door open?! What the hell is that?! I never noticed a door?! So, I go to OSH....get the poison, no fence, because it was so damn expensive! I then talk to a neighbor about the whole issue, who then helps me a bit. Sure enough, after reaching my hand up in the vent (fearful that something might bite me, however, I bite harder) I feel A TON OF LINT! Oh my word! So, I dig the crap out of it, so I can get the flapping door to shut. There was plenty more there, but I was getting tired and it just was not easy. So, I stopped, and was hopeful that I would actually get some sleep tonight.
Welp, I would like to say that I did get a full nights rest, but I don't think I can. I can't honestly say that I didn't hear anything, because I think I did, I just don't really remember. I think I was so damn tired from losing so much sleep, that when I did hear the noise I said f-it and rolled over and passed back out. I will be looking to see if some poison food is gone when I get home. I'm sure there is some missing. I'm also going to do a load of laundry to make sure I get anyone out of the dryer hose, and then, I'm going to duct tape it shut. That might help it a bit. I'm not wanting to kill anything, I just want it away from my house. Go bug one of my neighbors!
I'll keep you posted on what's happening. Worse case will be that I get my dad's pellet gun, stay up all night, and start hunting!

Weight Loss...

Well, for anyone who might care. I have lost now, a total of 15.6 pounds! WOO HOO!!!!


Okay, so I'll admit it, I'm lazy. That's right, I'm lazy! I don't care. Now, you may be asking, well, where is this coming from. I'll tell you. The other day, I was coming home from work, and had decided that I didn't think I had enough time to make some dinner before running out again, so I went to Taco Bell. Well, the one I normally, go to, that has a drive thru, is under construction, so I went to the other one here in Santa Cruz. Guess what, they DON"T have a drive thru! As a matter of fact, most fast food places here in Santa Cruz don't have a drive thru! Its CRAZY! It's NUTS! I don't know what is wrong with these people! I know one of the McDonald's doesn't, and I believe the other one doesn't as well. One of the Taco Bell's doesn't either. The only things that I have noticed so far that does, is one Taco Bell and one Jack in the Box. In Capitola (the town right next door) Carl's Jr. is in the mall, so no drive thru, McD's doesn't have one, KFC doesn't have one and I don't think Burger King does either?!
Now I ask you, what has gone wrong here?! Does it look really bad on me, that I'm too lazy, or in a rush and I don't want to bother getting out of my car to get my order? Or, are they not catering to the American public who want to have things done in an easier way?! Who's at fault here?! ERRRR! It's frustrating I tell you! Maybe I have just gotten to used to being catered to?! Who knows?!

Duct taped bumper

Okay, so yeah. You read the title correctly. My bumper, on my car, is duct taped together. How sad is that?! So, you may be wondering, why is it?! Well, if you look at an earlier post you will see that I hit a cat with my car. Sure enough, the cat is in fact dead (saw it on the side of the road, later that same day), and the force of the cat broke my bumper. No, this is not some unusally LARGE cat or anything, it was an average size cat! My dad saw my car, and was like, "What the hell did you do?!" and I had no idea what he was talking about until I looked. Sure enough, it (the cat) broke my front bumper in 3 places, and bent my liscense plate back, really nice like! Damn cat! Now, I get to go and get the whole thing replaced. Been told it might cost around 3-4 hundred bucks! OH JOY! However, I have also been told, that because the animal was committing suicide, that I won't have to pay a deductable! I REALLY hope that is true! I'll keep you updated.....later.....

Monday, January 09, 2006


Two of my ADX Sisters Posted this, thought I would join in the fun!

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. When's the last time you saw me?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
13. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?