Sunday, October 16, 2005


Okay, so as most of you know, I was in the process of buying a house here in Santa Cruz, well, I was approved for the open at 2pm on Saturday, October 15, 2005. Pretty much almost EXACTLY a year from when my parents and I were approved to buy a place here. I am soooo excited! Ryan and I spent the night there last night, and did a few improvements that we wanted to do. It is going to be slow, as I have Grand Chapter (OES State Convention) from Tuesday evening through Saturday evening. Then, I go home Saturday, sleep at home Sat & Sun night, then go to work on Monday, then Monday evening I need to check into a hotel in Sacramento as I am going to training (at the last minute) up there for work from Tuesday-Thursday. I think I might end up taking Friday off from work, as I will not be getting out of there until 5pm and then FINALLY heading out of the area, so I might just go down to Coalinga. Anyways, it is going to be a long process. I will start posting photo's of all the work we do. Okay, off for the night. Need to get some sleep, if I can, I'm still so excited, and I'm sure you can understand why!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

We (Ryan and I) went with some friends to Disneyland this last weekend. We had a blast! I also got to meet his oldest brother and sister-in-law. They were awesome and I had such a good time meeting them. Can't wait to hang out with them again. Such a good time! Posted by Picasa

Our second day at the park with everyone.....we had a blast, but we were really tired! Posted by Picasa

Me, trying to get some more sleep before we left....we did Build a Bear after Disneyland, Ryan built me a flamingo in an Air Force uniform.....his name is Colonel Flam.....what an awesome boyfriend I have! Love ya babe! Posted by Picasa

Ryan got an aviator hat with mickey ears...he loves it, can't you tell?! What a cutie! Gotta love him! Posted by Picasa

Ray, Cassie and Chelsey waiting to go on Splash, Ray is not doing sign language, he is just being silly..... Posted by Picasa

Ahhh, the love of my life.....he is so awesome! Posted by Picasa

Aren't we cute? Damn, I love his smile! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 03, 2005

Ryan's favorite shot I took, all 6 Thunderbirds in formation, flying right over us. It is a great shot, and I'm glad I got it. Had a blast at the Air Show with the love of my life......he can't wait to join the Air Force, and hopefully become a pilot. Please keep him in your thoughts as he applies, it has been a dream, and I hope he gets it, but alas, we both know, that God will do with him, what he sees fit. Posted by Picasa

Aren't they awesome?! Posted by Picasa

Thunderbirds in action! Posted by Picasa

My friend Amanda got married this weekend and Ryan and I drove up there. She was gorgeous in her dress, and her wedding was awesome! I hope to have one as nice as hers someday! Posted by Picasa