Friday, June 17, 2005


Okay, so here is something that pretty much no one knows about me......I suffer from Severe Depression. Yep, you heard, well read, that right. I suffer from Severe Depression. This usually, happy go lucky, loud, obnoxious, overly excited, full of life person has depression. And lucky you, today is one of those days. It all started last night and has continued on today! Yippee! I actually thought about killing myself last night, not once, but TWICE! And, this morning, while I'm sitting here at work, I'm wondering, why didn't I do it? My life is SUCKING right now, and what in the world do I have to live for? Really, what? I have nothing in my life that makes me look forward to getting up in the morning......NOTHING.

Well, I better end this, I don't want to bore you with my problems.


Tamara B said...

Wow, these thoughts are not from God because we know that God loves you and values you as His very own creation - created in His image. Life does suck sometimes, but there is so much to live for, so much to be thankful for.

I'm not familiar with depression and I'm sure its not an easy road to travel. I will be praying for you. Email me if you need/want someone to chat with and I'll give you my phone #.

Carrie said...

You aren't boring us at all. We need to share these things with people so we can be praying for each other.

I agree that those thoughts aren't from God. Try to keep your thoughts on Him and ward off the bad ones.

Each of our lives mean so much to God that He sent His only son to die for us. That means we mean so much to God!!! Remember that.

Love ya and praying for you. If you are in Fresno this summer let me know and we can hang out.

Ryan & Julie said...

Thanks for the prayers. It was a really bad day on Friday, and it got a little worse, and I've been dwelling on it all weekend so far.

I need to just sit back, and reflect and just let go of the issue. I know that God is in control no matter what, and I just need to turn it over to him.

Thanks again, it has helped.

Mandy said...

you are in my prayers. God will bring you through. I know from similiar times in my life. For me: "let go & let God" reminds me. Also:
"For I know that plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jermiah 29:11